“We have been blown away by his storytelling through film and the way in which he captures real life with ease.”

Hayley Balozi


Once I survived the swerving, heart-racing sand and rock motorbike journey, spending quality time in Mererani with the miners was priceless. Their hope is vulnerable and contagious - it made me want to find and fight for something that strong within myself. Every day they climb the dusty mine, pushing through extremely tough working conditions - and the deepest and oldest Kilimanjaro earth. 

As legend it told, the Massai shepherd who found this bluish sparkling stone must have lost his breath. I wonder what really happened. I only scratched the surface of the history and politics of the mine - but It feels like we're all meant to find something that is timeless and precious. However, the work involved is enough to put anyone off. 

A few years back I captured Dream Big. I'm so grateful I was able to witness this place and these resilient and kind people again. 


Amani Light

